Twelve Sunrises

An NFT project focused on capturing new days all over the world.
🌎🌅🌍🌄🌏 🌎🌅🌍🌄🌏 🌎🌅🌍🌄🌏

About the Project

The idea for the project was conceived on a sunrise beach walk in St. Augustine, FL. The goal is to do nothing more than capture some beautiful sunrises around the world. As the name suggests the project strives to capture twelve different sunrises in 2022 and make twelve images of each in to tokens minted for posterity on the Ethereum blockchain for a total of 144 1/1 photo NFTs + 1 massive grid collage NFT. The first half of the locations will be chosen by the artist and the second half will be guided by a DAO of owners at the time. All photos were taken with a smart phone as a way to limit the variables and type of photos that could be taken. The goal is to have a consitent flow across all 144 photos.


24 of 144 sunrise photos minted as of 1/29/2022.

About the Artist

This project was created by David Billingham. A web1/2 software engineer and casual photographer that has been pulled in the NFT/web3 world in 2021. He is an owner of multiple projects Lazy Lions, Dapper Dinos, Nudies, GCG to name a few.


Where is the contract?

0xf276be0198ce7b6cec84c3270c02314a1f49808f (

Who created the contract?

It was created by David using studio. It is a standard ERC-721 contract the token code is SUN12.

Where can I buy a Twelve Sunrises NFT?

They are available on the marketplaces Opensea and Rarible.

How will you decide the locations for the twelve sunrises?

The first eight locations (#1-#96) will be decided by the artist and will most likely be easily travelable in the Northeast United States. The last four locations (#97-#144) will be voted on by a DAO that will be majority run by the current owners of the SUN12 tokens.

Do you have a Roadmap?

Yes! It is simple and it is to take 145 photos of sunrises and mint & sell them as NFTs. It also involves greating a strong community that is interested enough to help choose where the last four sunrises will take place. Could that change over time? Yes, this is a year long project that may change over time. A year in NFT time is a lifetime.

How many NFTs will be in the collection?

The goal is to have 145 total tokens. 12 locations x 12 photos + 1 massive grid = 145. The final image will contain a large grid of the other 144 in one image.

How much will the NFTs cost?

This may change over time as the project evolves.

Will you really travel anywhere the DAO votes for you to go?

The only limits would be the cost and safety but I would be willing to travel most places. The budget of any trip will be based on how much the previous sales have put in the wallet. As the artist I will also have an influence on what is voted on in the DAO as I want to keep with the overall astetic of the project.

What if you are unable to travel due to covid?

If traveling is not an option in 2022. I will try to commission an artist to represent the project as best as possible so that the project can continue.

Will any profits be donated to charity?

After overhead, travel, minting cost, gas and taxes, 10% will be dontated to the charity Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless.

Will any tokens be kept by the project team?

12 tokens (one from each location) will be airdroped to either a member of the project team, a member of a supporting project or an individual that helped with the logistics of a sunrise shoot.

Is this a sound investment?

The value of any NFT is not guaranteed. You are investing in the people, the project and the art.